Al-Munir Performance Report (2019-2023)

Al-Munir LLC Consulting Performance Report (2019-2023)


Al-Munir LLC is a multidisciplinary consulting firm that was founded in 2016. Over the years, the firm has established itself as a trusted partner in various sectors, including curriculum development, qualitative research, arts and culture programming, public health research, and more. In this report, we will highlight key aspects of Al-Munir's consulting performance, including notable partners, services, and grant and sponsorship funding from 2019 to 2023.

Notable Partners:

Al-Munir's ability to form partnerships with diverse and influential organizations is a testament to its expertise and commitment to making a positive impact in various fields. Some of the firm's notable partners include:

  • Environmental Protection Agency

  • La Casa De Don Pedro

  • Anibal Ramos Civic Association

  • Newark Community Health Center

  • Newark Science and Sustainability

  • Skopos Hospitality Group

  • New Jersey Children’s Foundation

  • Devils Youth Foundation

These partnerships underscore Al-Munir's ability to collaborate with organizations across sectors and contribute to the betterment of communities.

Core Services:

Al-Munir's team specializes in a wide range of services that are vital for achieving its mission of community development and empowerment. Key services offered by Al-Munir include:

  • Curriculum Development: Creating educational programs and materials to enhance learning.

  • Qualitative Research: Conducting in-depth research to gain insights and inform decision-making.

  • Arts and Culture Programming: Promoting cultural engagement and artistic expression.

  • Public Health Research: Addressing health-related issues through research and analysis.

Additionally, the firm has demonstrated its commitment to promoting inclusion and diversity, especially through:

  • Designing Frameworks of Engagement with Locals: Ensuring that community members have a voice and active participation in decision-making processes.

  • Rolling Out Professional Development Sessions on Inclusion and Diversity: Providing valuable training to organizations seeking to create more inclusive environments.

  • K-12 Civic Engagement and Social Studies Education: Empowering the next generation with the knowledge and skills needed for active civic participation.

Grants and Sponsorships:

Al-Munir has shown remarkable success in securing grant and sponsorship funding to support its initiatives. Since 2019, the firm has accumulated over $100,000 in grants and sponsorships, which have significantly contributed to its ability to carry out its projects effectively. Here is a breakdown of the grant and sponsorship funding received:

  • NJ Devil's Youth: $15,000

  • Newark Arts: $10,000

  • Anibal Ramos Civic Association: $5,000

  • Hanini Group: $10,000

  • New Jersey Children's Foundation: $25,000

  • Miscellaneous Grants: $30,000

This funding has been crucial in helping Al-Munir achieve its mission and implement projects that benefit the community.


Al-Munir LLC has consistently demonstrated its commitment to community development and empowerment through its multidisciplinary consulting services. By forming partnerships with influential organizations, offering a diverse range of core services, and successfully securing grants and sponsorships, Al-Munir has proven its dedication to making a positive impact in various sectors and communities. As the firm continues to grow and expand its reach, it is well-positioned to further its mission and contribute to positive change in the years ahead.


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